On the 6th day of the Vector Project, I have finished placing 50 images of objects I really value and have passions about. The 50 images do not seem that many after the completion, yet cropping and tracing process took a long time that I actually needed to work some at home. Some images did not have enough shades or contrasts within that image so the tracing did not work as well. I actually got some images from Google, to find better images and angle of the object. I used the phrase 'my babies' to indicate my love towards these objects. Mrs.Yung was very suspicious about the sculptures and some other objects, but I am going to reinforce that they are 
Mrs Yung! I'll do some more at OSAKA :)
I think i need to do more at home :(
worked VERY HARD, but so many to go!
Cropping and placing it on to the illustrator is taking a long time. 
Cropped and used Live trace to make the photos black and white
While I was working on my Cartoon Self Portrait, I was amazed by the number of steps required to create a simple cartoon portrait.  However, I was able to overcome this difficulties as tutorials were provided. I personally enjoyed making this project because I can see the cartoon style of my face. After the photocopy step, I realized that the lines were not clearly drawn. So I directly drew the lines with pencil tools, which took a long time to complete. I wanted to include bright color schemes into my photo because the overall mood was very dark. I changed the color of my glasses and jumper in order to grab more attentions from the viewers. I also matched the colors of my glasses and buttons so it has a sense of paraellismI also literally drew some grey lines on my hair to give some flow and shape rather than living it as a black filled up space. Filling up some lines and using the Lasso tool were especially challenging during my work. Still, I am very satisfied with the outcome.
Made some final changes. Final cleaning up process completed.