The first to thing I must do in order to have a successful result for this project was to find HIgh quality pictures. So I surfed around many websites including korean ones to find high quality pictures of several soccer players. I now must begin to look for websites that has several magazine design specifically for sports.
Since I am very obsessed with English Premier league, I am going to create a Magazine design or Newspaper page about the premier league. I am planning to buy several different football magazine from the book store and do more idea generations.
Finally my Album cover for Brown eyed soul is done. It was hard to find the images and changed the texture into black and white effects. I had controlled all the opacity and fill level in order to highlight the theme of the artists', which is 'soul music'. As I chose BES's song, My story as the main or title song of the album cover, I picked the most ideal font to show the best result (ink in the meat). The difficult part was arranging the images on the right spot, but after few trials, i was aI hope BES to continue to sing and create great songs.

I finally finished my compositions in the album cover. I have changed some opacities and fills to create emphasis on the black woman to bring her forward. The cloudy and grey color background with a tree represents the memories of the woman. This perfectly fits with the song title 'My Story' as singing stories of oneself is also reflecting on one's past. Now I need to choose font for the title and the artists' name.
I have chosen a black woman for the cover as Brown Eyed Soul are a RnB group and value black soul music. The tree in the background represent the collection of people's memory that Brown Eyed Soul communicates by singing.
In order to fit my song 'My story' by Brown Eyed Soul, I collected images from the magazines that portray people's life and personal stories. The genre of Brown Eyed Soul is R&B that they have been using Africans as their covers for their 2nd and other special albums. Hence, I was attracted by pictures that contained black people around the world. The images are effectively highlighting their hardships which will be reflected as their 'story' in my design.
The website of Brown Eyed Soul is consist of relatively dark and mostly grayish color scheme. The mood of the website is almost placid but, the clothes they are wearing remind of funeral, which probably emphasize their name 'Soul'. The font is simple but has addition of extending lines etc.
First few ideas of my music cover. Since my Artist band is going to be Brown Eyed Soul, i chose posters that contain people.